Arthritis knee exercises are very important if one is experiencing arthritis in the knee joints. Exercise is one way to maintain a strong and healthy cartilage as it has the effect of strengthening the tendons and muscles that support the knee. However, not all exercises will help the person suffering from knee arthritis, as such; one must call an expert on arthritis knee exercise, because wrong exercise will just worsen the situation. Here are some knee exercises to help you in your arthritis problems.
The simplest way to exercise one's knee is by sitting in a chair and letting your feet flat on the floor. It is important to know that when one doing this exercise, one must see to it that one's thigh is parallel to the floor. The proper way of sitting can help the muscles and tendons surrounding the knee to relax and remove any stress accompanying it. One can put variations like pointing and moving one's toes, slowly lifting the feet to make it parallel to the ground or raising the feet and doing a small circular motion.
Another simple exercise is by sitting on the ground while the legs are crossed. In this way, the muscles and tendons are stretched without you exerting any effort. The person may remain in this position for at least 30 seconds and then incorporate certain variations. One can slowly push his knee to the ground in order to put additional pressure on the muscles of the joints. It can be noticed that when the legs are crossed, one leg is on top of the other, hence; one should change the position of the legs and then apply pressure again.
Some complicated arthritis knee exercises include the quad set exercise, knee extension with leg lift, drake exercises, static hold exercise, straight leg raise, hamstring set exercise, and many more.
The quad set exercise is done to tighten the muscles of the thigh and the legs in order to strongly support the knee joints. This is made by lying down comfortably and tucking in the knee into the stomach. Be sure that the legs are parallel to the ground and the toes are pointed. Fold the knee for 10 seconds, and thereafter rest it for 5 seconds, repeat the process but make the tuck tighter.
The knee extension with leg lift is done lying down and putting an object under your heel that will raise your legs at least 3 inches above the ground. In this position, try to slowly lift the leg up and then slowly putting it down. Do this exercise by lifting only one leg at the time and the other leg is used as a support.
When doing any arthritis knee exercises, one must be sensitive of any pain that he may feel. If the pain becomes unbearable, immediately stop what you are doing and see a doctor. As stated, not all exercises are suitable to all knee arthritis problems, and the best way to know the applicable knee exercise program is to consult a doctor or an experienced health professional.
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