Monday, 27 April 2009

How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

Millions of people suffer from rheumatoid arthritis, but nearly half of them recognize the disease condition. Sad to say, only few people know how to manage it. Worst, many of the sufferers do not consult their health care provider to learn more about this condition, even though they are craving for the best treatment there is.

Managing this type of condition could have been easy if those who are enduring it would simply go to their doctors and ask for more information about it. But then again, due to unawareness, and maybe being an idle when it comes to issues on physical health and condition, many people, both young and old, who are suffering from this, are left unaided.

Here are simple pieces of information about rheumatoid arthritis that can help those who are uninformed and badly informed about this type of disease condition.

What is rheumatoid arthritis?

This is a single type of arthritis (or joint problem) that is caused by an inflammation on the synovial membrane that surrounds or lines a joint. It commonly affects women, and the onset usually begins around age 40. Many health care experts state that this type of arthritis has a direct relationship on the hormonal changes that occurs among women during the pre-menopausal stage. However, there are not enough data that could prove such relationship. The signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are pain, stiffness, and multiple joint swelling on both sides of the body. Joint inflammations are commonly noted in hands, elbows, wrists, feet, knees, and neck.

How can it affect one's life?

When rheumatoid arthritis causes severe pain and swelling, a person will be debilitated. There are limited movements on muscles and bones, and the person will find it difficult to perform his activities of daily living. Most of the time, he will suffer severe pain upon waking up, and when the weather changes will be unfavaorable for such condition.

What is the best rheumatoid arthritis treatment?

There is no single treatment that can be considered as the "best" to cure rheumatoid arthritis. This type of condition should be managed both by self care (the individual) and professional care (with the help of the health care team); therefore it is important that regular session with a health care expert should be done. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment varies, depending on its severity. There are some health care experts may recommend their client to take supplements that can ease out the pain and inflammation, while other doctors would advise their clients to try following some tips and guidelines from books written by some arthritis management specialists and professionals. But when the condition becomes rigorous, intense pain medication are prescribed and even joint replacement surgeries are advised to the client to hinder the disease condition from getting worst.

For cortaflex visit the cortaflex ha shop
or see our guides for an Arthritis Cure

rheumatoid arthritis

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